College Benefits
  • MCR Value Employability Test
  • MCR Mock - Evaluative Mock Tests
  • MCR Extensive Training Program
  • Full Preparation for Written Examination
  • Acute Focus on GD, PI and TI Preps
MCR Value Employability Test (MCR VET)
MCR’s Value Employability Test accelerates your students’ fitment and potential to be hired by top employers in the market. We provide a complete career assessment after testing the student’s aptitude, personality and skills in their domain of interest. With the help of our meticulously detailed reports that provide you with scores, analytics and a deep insight into the candidate’s industry readiness and employability level. MCR VET serves as the benchmark for uplifting your students to solid industry standards. Our platform saves thousands of man hours and drastically reduces the communication gap between an institution and students
Not just will the colleges that partner with My Campus Recruitment benefit from higher placement rates but, they will also be the leaders in adopting technology enabled learning solutions in this constantly evolving technological world.
In coming years, the partner college will be one of the leading institutions in the region, attracting better talent, which leads to even better placements- a self sustaining spiral effect. This will help save thousands of hours of TPO and student time.
MCR’s streamlined system blanketing all necessary aspects of evaluation:
Knowledge Screening
MCR Screening facilities are at your hand across different circles like engineering, aptitude, IT, language and communications etc.
The assortment of tests available with us:

IT domainsStreams in Engineering• Computer Science/ IT
• Mainframes
• .Net
• J2EE
• C++
• Windows
• Linux
• RDBMS Concepts
• Other including
• SAP BASIS, System Centre,
• Sharepoint Portal Server
• Security Concepts
• Computer Science/ IT
• Electronics Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
• Civil Engineering
• Others including
• Paint Technology
• Mechatronics
• Environmental
• Rubber Technology
• Paper and Pulp
• Mineral Science etc
• Other domains' test papers can be designed on demand
• English Usage
• Vocabulary
• Strong Grammar fundamentals
• Reading Comprehension
• Critical Reasoning
• Quantitative Ability
• Data Interpretation
• Concepts of applied mathematics
• Probability and set theory
• Analytical Reasoning
• Inductive Reasoning
• Deductive Reasoning
• Visual and Spatial Reasoning
• Mathematical Modeling
Domain Distinct Screening
Domain Distinct Screening is devised to measure the candidate’s grasp on grass root levels of knowledge in theory and application of those core concepts in their distinct branch of engineering specialization.
Branch specific screening modules involve:

Electronic Devices
Digital Circuits
Analog Circuits
Control Systems
Signal & Systems
Software Engineering & web technologies
Compiler Design
Theory of Computation
Theory of Computation
Computer Networks
Computer Organization & Architecture
Digital Logic
Operating System
Data Structure & Algorithm
Electromagnetic Theory
Electrical machines
Power Electronics Power Systems
Digital Circuits
Analog Circuits
Control Systems
Signal & Systems
Transportation Engineering & Surveying
Environmental Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
RCC & Steel Structure
Mechanics & Structure Analysis
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Thermodynamics Heat Transfer
Fluid Mechanics
Machine Design
Theory Of Machines
Strength of Materials
Engineering mechanics
Other Domain Distinct Solutions
2. Advanced Java
3. Core Java
4. J2EE
5. Finance & Accounting
6. Electrical Engineering
7. Mechanical Engineering
8. Computer Science Engineering
9. Civil Engineering
Industry Limited Solutions
1. IT Product
2. Core - Plant
3. Core - R & D
4. Analytics - KPO
5. IT Services
Psychometric Screening
Psychometric outlining of candidates is conducted using the "Big Five" model; a variation of the contemporary and most widely used five-factor model of personality used by psychologists to describe the human personality and psyche.
The Big Five factors abbreviated as “OCEAN”

Openness (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless)
Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. cold/unkind)
Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident)

Using this litmus test of OCEAN, we can judge the various personality traits, mental health and emotional stability of potential employees in order to ascertain the readiness for a role they can fit in. This screening also helps companies effectively predict job behavior after selection of candidates in real world situations. Different personalities are befitting different job profiles and using the personality sketch of an individual, one can viably foresee if an academically or technically suitable candidate can perform in a particular role according to their personality type.

MCR Mock - Evaluative Mock Tests
MCR features custom mock tests based on industry models that focus on giving students an accurate estimate of the real tests they are to face in the near future. Our thorough in-field research and hands on experience has culminated into a precise program that sharpens your students’ skills by leaps and bounds. With the aid of MCR Mock, your students can practice to perfection. The impeccably designed testing model boosts your students’ confidence as they become familiar with the flow of their forthcoming company written examinations.
Our tests are designed to cover the patterns used by major industry bigwigs in their own recruitment process. With this, the students get the perfect picture of what is expected of them in a specific sector by a specific company.
MCR Extensive Training Program
MCR features an extensive training program designed to hone all aspects of a student before he steps into an interview hall. We take the responsibility to hold your hands through all steps of the selection process right from written exams to the interview process and soft skills development.
Written Tests
MCR features a comprehensive written test model where students can avail training material to crack uniquely tailored tests based on different relevant subjects like Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning.
At a given time, a student can opt for a test that assesses him based on a particular chapter, section or the full length of the course based on his preparedness and the area he wants to evaluate himself in.
Students can also opt to appear for these training test models via online or offline mode.
A brief outlining of the topics we offer in our model:
Quantitative Aptitude
  • Alligation And Mixture
  • Area
  • Average
  • Boats And Streams
  • Calender
  • Clock
  • Compound Interest
  • Decimal Fraction
  • LCM And HCF
  • Logarithm
  • Number System
  • Partnership
  • Percentage
  • Permutation And Combination
  • Pipes And Cistern
  • Problem On Ages
  • Height And Distance
  • Probability
  • Profit And Loss
  • Progression
  • Ratio And Proportion
  • Simple Interest
  • Simplification
  • Time And Distance
  • Time And Work
  • Train
  • Volume And Surface Area
Verbal Ability
  • Analogies
  • Antonyms
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Cloze Test
  • Spot the Error
  • Sentence Completion
  • Sentence Correction
  • Synonyms
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Critical Reasoning
Data Interpretation
  • Bar
  • Line
  • Pie
  • Tabular
Logical Reasoning
  • Puzzles
  • Direction Sense
  • Blood Relation
  • Sequence & Series
  • Statement & Conclusion
  • Team Formation
Group Discussion, Personal Interview and Technical Interview Preparation
MCR focuses acutely on training students to be completely prepared to face a company’s various criteria of selection. The most widely and effectively used methods of candidate selection used in the industry today are GD, PI and TI. MCR provides concrete training which enables students to crack these significantly challenging rounds with much confidence.
We coach students in all facets that are subject to evaluation in these rounds of selection. We use a two pronged method of preparing students – Making them aware of the characteristics of their personality that are to be tested and sharpening those very characteristics.
Technical Interview Grooming
Companies looking to hire for technical roles generally conduct Technical Interviews where a candidate’s scope of knowledge and his technical ability are tested. Hiring managers will assess the candidate fully based on his understanding, interest and ability to apply his knowledge base in his role as a future employee with their company.
Some of the areas from which frequent TI questions are asked
ECE/EC/EE – Digital electronics, Microprocessors, Microcontrollers etc.
ME – SoM, FM, HT, ToM, Manufacturing etc.
Civil – Transportation, SoM, FM, RCC, GeoTech etc.
Software – C, C++, Data Structures, Database Management System, Networking, Operating systems, JAVA etc.
Knowledge based - about the company, reason for choosing particular company/role/sector etc.
Personal questions – goals, motivation, strengths and weaknesses, favourite subjects etc.
Education and work experience based - engineering final year project, reasons for choosing particular college/university, internships/work experience etc.
MCR is the right place for students to not only sharpen their skills in all the factors listed above but also guide them with our inside knowledge and years of experience. With MCR’s elite training, students can deliver precisely what an employer expects of them in a Technical Interview.
Under our tutelage Students are conditioned to acquire
• Acute technical knowledge
• Practical application of technical knowledge
• Analytical ability
• Flawless verbal communication
• A positive body language
• Efficiency to manage time
• Ability to think logically, laterally and creatively
• Pressure management
• Skills – Listening, Team, Quantitative and People
• A personality that emanates confidence
• Awareness of eclectic topics likely to be asked to discuss in a GD
• Overall individual grooming
Additional Perks
Soft Skill Honing
We understand the importance of companies seeking a high emotional quotient, EQ in their employees. In order to maintain a healthy workforce, companies insist on their employees being in possession of certain personality traits, social graces, communication and language skills, personal habits, interpersonal skills, people management skills, leadership qualities etc. that characterize relationships with other people.
With MCR training yours students to sharpen these qualities in addition to their academic excellence, they are assured to gain an edge that sets them apart from the rest of the crowd.
Inspiring Video Lectures
MCR has prepared a series of highly beneficial video lectures for students to cover all relevant domains. These video lectures available can be accessed by students wanting to brush up on a given topic at their convenience. Our videos deliver a professional classroom experience beyond the walls. It makes for an interesting and interactive method to edify students available at the tip of your fingers.
Our video Lectures cover all topics from the written test material section as well as additional videos featuring GD, PI and TI preparation tips and tricks are all included in our program.
Resume Mould
Research shows that only a handful of interviews are granted for every couple dozen of resume received by the average employer. Research also tells us that a resume will be quickly scanned, rather than read. About ten to twenty seconds is all the time a candidate has to persuade a prospective employer to read further. This implies that the decision to interview a candidate is usually based on an overall first impression of the resume.
MCR presents you with a unique tool that helps shape your students’ resume. We understand the significance and impact of a well written, well presented resume. Our Resume Moulds has efficient features like professional templates, samples and guides to help them write the most impressive material.
MCR Resume Mould assists students in the finer nuances of resume writing and guides them through the process resulting in an impressive, professionally written resume.
MCR Resume Mould Features:
• Resume Shaper
• Resume Samples
• Resume Review
• Resume Writing Hacks
Technological Advantages of MCR
With MCR, keep track of all your relevant college data in an extremely organized manner.
Use our services to
• Oversee campus recruitment, student test scores, student applied job posts, new job posts, overall college statistics etc.
• Keep an eye on your students’ performances through readily available reports and MCR Mock Test scores in the form of graphs, tables and excel sheets.
• Keep track of details like number of placements, offers and declined applicants all at one place.
• Avail one click notifications on upcoming events via mass emails and SMS.
• Stay in touch with college alumni registered with MCR for future references.
Non Stop Gauging Process
MCR Value Employability Test serves as multifaceted tool in the life of a college student. It provides a timely warning as well as a supervising structure for a college to track the progress of its student performances. Apart from this, the charting of raw talent and polishing it to meet industry level standards produces successful results.
Ergonomically Crafted System
Ergonomically crafted system to gauge corporate employability and fitment of students as potential employees at a raw stage of higher education helps acutely improve their probabilities of attaining a successful corporate career.
Future Planning
MCR Mock Test helps students sketch their career path. Students can check out a range of options from private jobs (Aptitude and Technical) to government jobs (GATE, Public Sector Aptitude, Civil Services) to higher studies (MAT, CAT).